
>> what is a head shot

Head shots are images for models, actors, or career professionals created with the specific intent of landing roles, gigs, or a job. Unlike portraits, head shots are designed to do something.

>> What we’re looking for

I’ve taken hundreds, if not thousands, of professional corporate head shots and I’ve been in the Director’s chair for more than my fair share of videos, short films, and a feature length film.

In my experience, there’s one quality that both hiring directors and film directors are looking for:


Confidence, as a “look”, conveys two aspects: competence, and experience. As a starting point you have to look like you know what you’re doing and can get the job done, whether that’s designing a webpage or carrying a scene.


>> show confidence

Of course you have to look good.  Hair. Make up. That’s the starting point and you have to assume that your competition has these basics nailed.

Beyond that? What kicks your image above theirs?

It’s all in the eyes.

It’s a look that says “I got this. I can do this.” There should be a bit of excitement. A dash of interest. You want to catch the attention of whoever you’re sending this.

Is that even possible in one image? Do your eyes really have that much power? Of course. And you can do a little experiment right now to prove it.

Take a selfie while you’re acting excited. Don’t worry. This is just for you so go over the top. Now take a selfie while you look bored.

Compare the two images and pay close attention to your eyes. Which picture would make you want to work with the person in the picture?

I can’t stress this enough: if you’re going to get your head shot (by me or anyone else) remember that it’s all in your eyes. Practice this in a mirror before the shoot!


>> Capturing it

You need your photographer to bring the same thing to the shoot.


They need to know how to light you and they need to know how to help you bring out your best. Confidence shows that your photographer has competence and experience. The same things you’re showing your future boss, director, and clients.

If you have confidence in your photographer you’ll feel comfortable trying different looks and different poses. You’ll know that they are using professional equipment correctly so you’re not wasting your money and time creating something that isn’t effective.

Let me just say that again.

Whoever you let take your picture: make sure you’re comfortable with them so you can create something that is effective and worth your time and money.

I hope this helps! Send me a message if you need any additional tips!