VS. Sophia

I got this text from my daughter, Sophia, a couple weeks ago:

The challenge

And that warmed my heart. We haven’t seen each other for over almost two months now. She inherited my trusty Canon 60D, a 50mm prime, and a good telephoto zoom for her birthday two years ago after figuring out the Exposure Triangle (ISO, Shutter, Aperture) by herself while watching a YouTube video on photography with me.

So we came up with some game rules:

The rules

Add a bit of smack talk to make it legit:

And we’re off!

The first week’s theme: “Light”

I’m proud of my dragon photo, but I honestly think she did a better job of capturing a moment so I was happy to declare her the winner in this battle.

For the second week I took the chance to introduce the concept of “framing” your subject with other elements within an image.

I love how much thought and effort she put into her shot.

She chose “Water” as the next theme.

I love the colors in her entry. I love the focus on the water drops. But what brings me the most joy is knowing how much forethought went into her entry. It’s pretty cool how differently we approached our images.

I chose a harder theme for this week: “The Real You” self portrait.